Last month there was supposed to be an ice-skating costume event, but it was canceled to due lack of interest. I had started a mustache because my wife thought I would look more "period" with it. When the event was canceled, she said to keep growing it and we would go to the next event, which was an "Anne of Green Gables" tea at a tea room. The skating event was late Victorian and the "Anne" was around the turn of the century (20th), so the costumes she had planned would not work for them, the sack suit she had made for me was okay. Men's fashions don't change that much or quickly. She "whipped up" period, mutton-sleeve blouses for them and we were set.
The only problem was they didn't take jackets, so they were cold. We had an umbrella, which we needed, but jackets would have been good too. My wife's hair is done up in the Gibson-girl style. I have the mustache, sack suit, bowler, Prince Albert-knot tie. There were three men in brown tweed, though all different. It was a common color then. Three others were dressed for a formal night on the town instead of tea. There were seven men and a total of about forty people.
In the evening, I was ready to shave that thing off. I was tired of it tickling my nose and lips, it getting wet from things I drank, etc. I don't think it was long enough to use mustache wax on it, but my wife wanted me to grow it long enough to have waxed handlebars. She doesn't have to live with it. Our daughter helped shave it off while the wife was busy. A couple hours later she still hadn't noticed it was gone, but we weren't sitting in conversation or anything during that time.
In the above picture, you might notice that our daughter has braces. That's a relatively new edition, about a month and a half. She's doing okay with them. Her teeth are starting to adjust already.
The girls (chickens) are laying again, now that the days are longer. That's been a couple weeks.
Last weekend I spread some compost, which is mostly due to them, and planted the vegetable garden. I looked a little while ago and nothing has sprouted yet. It's been wet this past week with little sun.
Another thing I did last weekend was check into a new computer. The current one is six years old, which is of course, ancient in computer years. Mine at work is about the same age, but has a faster processor, so the home one is slower and bogs down more with modern, interactive, web pages.
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