12 April 2011


Had the first follow-up appt. yesterday after the surgery Friday. The doc showed us a few pictures taken during the surgery. The shoulder cartilage was torn up and the tendon was okay. He moved the tendon attachment and cleaned things up, including some bone spurs that have built up over the years. The recovery has been a lot less painful than bone surgery on a foot, which was a year ago.

The doc said it's time to do some light grip training. No twisting the wrist, just grip. Twisting involves the biceps.

My wife has her hands full taking care of the daily things for two of us and the pets, but it's going okay. The pain med was giving all kinds of side effects (groggy, headache, blurred vision, etc.), but that's going away now that the pain has reduced.

Did a little work yesterday afternoon. Enough to get a draft result emailed. Some of that involved learning some gimp. We've had a new computer at home for a few weeks. Instead of installing the old image processing software, I installed gimp. I like it. I also installed irfanview, but don't like that one as well, though it does basic things easily.

Was tired this morning. Perhaps overdid things yesterday.