Back on 20 Jun, we three went to the Pirate Fest in Vallejo after learning about it the day before. That evening before, V said she didn't want to wear her pirate costume from historical Halloween at school unless we all wore costumes, so M and I went to the fabric store and she whipped together shirts for us and we accessorized with stuff we had. I bought a tricorn hat there, but my belt was part of my Bobbie costume to be worn later that day.
In the evening, V had a sitter and we went off to another costume event that we had planned on. Actually, in the original plan, we all were going to go, but the events coordinator added details after the initial announcement that children were not allowed. We didn't quite understand that, but thought that the owners of the venue house didn't want kids in their house. Not so, because they had one of their own, who was running around us most of the evening. M had made my costume for this event, though I can wear it for other Victorian things too, like the Dickens Fair in December.
M, is so talented! and looks so pretty in her costumes, V is adorable