01 November 2010

the stone 2

I made the stepping stone because my father "suggested" that I make a stepping stone as a marker for my mother, because her ashes were spread in the garden surrounding her labyrinth.

Last night I sent an email to my father with a picture of the stone. In that version of the picture, the plaque was legible. In his response he indicated that he didn't want it anymore, though he didn't say that directly, but wrote that he can't grieve for or forgive her. I wrote a bit about this back in August in the post interpretations.


  1. oh wow.. so sorry after all your hard work- I dont know the background story but if your father does not want it anymore maybe you could use it in your garden instead??

  2. Sorry to hear that, I hope at the very least the process of creating it was in some way "healing" for lack of a better word. I'm sure there is a perfect spot for it somewhere, you did a wonderful job you should be proud of both your effort and more importantly intentions!
