31 January 2011


My shoulders and thumb still hurt in different positions and movements, though because the thumb is used for more activities (e.g., I hit the space bar with that thumb), it's more of a constant annoyance.

My workouts for the next few weeks are going to be lower-body only to limit the shoulder involvement. Not much I can do about it.

I'm sooo glad I went cross-country skiing. (sarcasm)

We watched some more clips from "Big Bang Theory" online. There are a few with the song "Soft Kitty" and I came across a video of someone playing the tune on a recorder, so looked it up for ocarina. Last night our daughter played the notes on oboe and I used the ocarina and it was part of her music practice. It's been weeks since I tried playing due to the earlier pain in my forearms, which is gone now, and then the thumb problem. Of course, the thumb hurt during ocarina playing because one hole is covered by the thumb, so I didn't play long.

Did I mention that I have no intention of skiing again?

I have a Dr appt today to talk about the lack of progress on the thumb healing, because he's a hand specialist, though at this point I would like a general orthopedist to talk about the shoulders too.

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