10 August 2010


Over the weekend I read a little in Brooks Kubik's "Dinosaur Training". It's a book I've read before, but wanted to remind myself of some of his training principles. He likes to use all caps and one element he points out is the need to do "HARD WORK" and to do this rep, then work on the next one.

I've been working on strength training for 1.5years and have little to show for it in terms of strength gains. Based on this book, he would attribute this to lack of "HARD WORK" on my part. Yesterday evening was a workout with squats. I need to remember things like those points when I go into these workouts.

I have a few other of his books too. "Gray Hair and Black Iron" is for older lifters, over 40. While I'm over 40, I'm not much of a "serious lifter" or "garage gorilla", who are the audience of the book, so I debated getting that book, but bought and read it anyway. I'm a beginner, so should be working on training for strength, like in "Dinosaur Training". I have yet to see gains from his training methods and now he has a new one, "Strength, Muscle, and Power", which is more of the dinosaur-type training. Hmmm.

The other books are his fiction, "Legacy of Iron" series. It's a story of the "old time" lifters from 1940 into the war. The first volume had a lot of lifting competition stats from that period. Yawn. I don't care about the current lifter's stats. The story of the lifters is interesting and the second volume was better. He has published the third volume recently. Another, hmmm.

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